Research Data Management Network at the University of Basel

Various individuals and organizational units across the university provide research data management services to researchers. Close collaboration and a strong network between providers is essential to ensure the most efficient and best support for researchers.

The successful collaboration of this network started as a project in September 2017 and was solidified by Rectorate decision in September 2020.

The aim of the network is to achieve a basis for good scientific practice, safety, transparency and reproducibility of research results, and thus the reuse of research data for further research studies, optimizing their benefits to society. Part of its work is dedicated to, among other things, establishing ...

  • University philosophy and policy on research data management
  • Legal frameworks for secure research data management
  • Integrative services for the entire research data cycle
  • Assistance in writing data management plans
  • Training and events
  • Active data management and storage solutions

The RDM Network is a “coalition of the willing”. If you are interested in taking an active part in promoting good practices in research data stewardship, do not hesitate to contact us.

For more information on our activities and achievements, check out our annual report for 2024.