Lounge 1301 (13th floor), sciCORE, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 61, 4056 Basel
Research Data Management Network
Data Stewardship Conversations on sciCORE+
"Data Stewardship Conversations" are an informal event where the focus lies on the exchange among data stewards.
Following the success of the first Data Stewardship Conversations, we are moving on to the next round: Thierry Sengstag will present sciCORE+. sciCORE+ is a research IT infrastructure suitable to work with sensitive data. It is one of the three national infrastructure nodes developed in the context of the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN)/BioMedIT initiative funded by SERI/SBFI. Although developed in the context of biomedical research, the sciCORE+ infrastructure is domain agnostic and can host projects from any domain working with data protected by law (microeconomic data, recent historical documents from closed state archives, etc.). The current state of the infrastructure, and how it can be used for Uni Basel projects, will be presented and demonstrated. After the short presentation there will be time for discussion and questions. We will end the event with some drinks and snacks.
Data stewards and other members of the university's RDM Network will be invited to this event by email. Other people who are interested in attending the event are asked to contact the coordinators of the Data Stewardship Program (researchdata@clutterunibas.ch).
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