01 Mar 2022
09:00  - 12:00


Basel Graduate School for History & Research Data Management Network

RDM Network Training

Forschungsdatenmanagement, Data Management Plan & Literaturverwaltung

Basel Graduate School of History: Digital Toolbox for Historians Part I

The two-part workshop first introduces the literature management programs Zotero and Citavi. The second part focuses on research data management. Registration for participation is possible until 13.02.2022. Further information on the course and registration can be found at here.

Course language: German

Trainers: Cornelia Eitel, Silke Bellanger, Iris Lindenmann and Daniel Zürcher (University Library Basel) & Maximilian Hindermann and Anthea Alberto (Research & Infrastructure Support RISE, University of Basel).

This course is offered by the Basel Graduate School for History (BGSH) and organized in cooperation with the Research Data Management Network.

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