10 Apr 2025
09:00  - 11:00

Seminarraum U1.195, Biozentrum, Universität Basel, Spitalstrasse 41, 4056 Basel

Research Data Management Network

Data Stewardship Program Training

IT Services for Research Data Management

Get an overview of the ITS service portfolio and its importance for research data management

In this course, the IT Services of the University of Basel will introduce themselves:

  • What is the mission of the IT Services for the University of Basel?
  • How are the IT Services organized?
  • What internal structures have they established?
  • What services do they offer and how can these services be accessed?

The course will pay particular attention to the part of the service portfolio that can support research data management and specifically data stewards in fulfilling their tasks.

After a general overview of the entire service catalog, you will receive a detailed insight into Relationship Management and IT Demand Management, an in-depth introduction to the Professional Services team and learn more about the data storage options offered by IT Services.


Course Language: English

Data stewards and other members of the university's RDM Network will be invited to this course by email. Other people who are interested in attending the course are asked to contact the coordinators of the Data Stewardship Program (researchdata@unibas.ch).




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