10 Nov 2022
13:45  - 14:00

zoom webinar

RDM network, University of Basel

RDM Coffee Lecture


Open for everyone

With our Coffee Lecture series, which takes place every two weeks on Thursdays at 1.45 p.m., we offer an insight into a range of infrastructures and tools for research data management.

At the Coffee Lecture on 10 November, a team member of RISE gives an introduction to Tropy. Tropy is a free tool for managing digital collections. It is particularly suitable for organising self-photographed archival documents and supports a variety of metadata standards.

Lecturer: Maximilian Hindermann, RISE

Link to the webinar: https://unibas.zoom.us/j/69427321561?pwd=SVRnWmRKa3V5KzZrVVF5VXlKT2lQQT09

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