How data stewards can support you

Data stewards are your first point of contact for your research data management questions. You can contact your data steward if you have any questions on:

  • Planning data management, requirements of funding agencies and writing data management plans
  • Storage solutions for your research data
  • Data organization
  • Documenting your research data
  • Publishing your research data and finding a suitable repository
  • Discovering and re-using research data
  • Data protection, copyright, licenses and other legal and ethical aspects of RDM

The data stewards will provide you with subject-specific support or guide you to other service units, experts and information sources.

Please be aware that the data stewards will give their best to advise and support you, but it is not their duty to take over the data management for you. The responsibility for research data management remains with the researchers. The data stewards perform their role in addition to other tasks. Please clarify bilaterally to what extent and in what time frame they can support you.

Find your data steward

For subject-specific questions, you can directly get in touch with the data steward(s) of your faculty, department or institute. If you have general questions about research data management or your unit does not (yet) have a data steward, please write to

Julia Müller-Clemm

Affiliation: Faculty of Theology
Function: Research associate in the Dean's Office, coordinator of the Basel Graduate School of Theology, coordinator of the Master's program in Interreligious Studies and student advisor
You can contact me with questions on: All requests related to research data management within the Faculty of Theology

Personal web profile

Julia Müller-Clemm

Anna-Lia Käslin-Tanduo, B.A.

Affiliation: Faculty of Law
Function: Administrative Assistant in the Research Dean’s Office
You can contact me with questions on: All requests related to research data management within the Faculty of Law

Personal web profile

Anna-Lia Käslin-Tanduo

Franziska Bächler, Dr. iur.

Affiliation: Faculty of Law
Function: Scientific Manager at the Center for Life Sciences Law (ZLSR) and Research Associate in the Professorship Corinne Zellweger-Gutknecht
You can contact me with questions on: All requests related to research data management within the Faculty of Law

Personal web profile

Franziska Bächler

Apollo Dimitri Dauag, Dr. iur.

Affiliation: Faculty of Law
Function: Scientific Manager of the electronic Public Institutions and Administration Research Forum (e-PIAF) and Research Associate in the Professorship Nadja Braun Binder
You can contact me with questions on: All requests related to research data management within the Faculty of Law

Personal web profile

Apollo Dimitri Dauag

Dr. Francesco Santini

Affiliation: Department of Biomedical Engineering
Function: Research Group Leader
You can contact me with questions on: Open data and open source development, medical images

Personal web profile

Francesco Santini

Philippe Gottfrois

Affiliation: Department of Biomedical Engineering
Function: Assistant and PhD Student
You can contact me with questions on: Data sharing and image anonymization

Personal web profile

Philippe Gottfrois

Amanda Aerni

Affiliation: Department of Biomedicine, Research Cluster Molecular and Cognitive Neuroscience
Function: Study Coordinator Clinical Trials (DKF FG de Quervain and Papassotiropoulos)
You can contact me with questions on: In the context of research projects involving people, support in clarifying legal issues in the areas of data protection and the legally compliant conduct of studies. Referral to suitable contact points that can help with problems relating to data management

Personal web profile

Amanda Aerni

Dr. Robert Ivánek

Affiliation: DBM Bioinformatics Core Facility; Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB)
Function: Head of the Bioinformatics Core Facility, SIB Group Leader
Contact:, +41 (0)61 207 35 41
You can contact me with questions on: Consultancy on experimental design, Analysis and visualisation of large-scale data (Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Single-Cell), R Programming language

Personal web profile

Robert Ivanek

André Brunella, PhD

Affiliation: Department of Clinical Research
Function: Head of Clinical Data Center
Contact: Please use the Department of Clinical Research contact form
You can contact me with questions on: DKF Operations services for researchers, USB data governance board, USB & Medical Faculty data access committee

Personal web profile

André Brunella

Claudia Becherer

Affiliation: Department of Clinical Research
Function: Teamleader Regulatory Affairs
Contact: Please use the Department of Clinical Research contact form
You can contact me with questions on: Regulatory and ethical compliance for the use of clinical data, regulatory framework about patient consent, data archiving and deletion

Personal web profile

Claudia Becherer

Claudia Saupper, MSc

Affiliation: Department of Clinical Research
Function: Senior Project Manager DKF IT-Services
Contact: Please use the Department of Clinical Research contact form
You can contact me with questions on: Data infrastructure, data sharing

Personal web profile

Claudia Saupper

Constantin Sluka, PhD

Affiliation: Department of Clinical Research
Function: Teamleader Data Science
Contact: Please use the Department of Clinical Research contact form
You can contact me with questions on: Data integration from clinical routine, data de-identification, data sharing

Personal web profile

Constantin Sluka

David Büchel, PhD

Affiliation: Department of Clinical Research
Function: Data Manager
Contact: Please use the Department of Clinical Research contact form
You can contact me with questions on: SecuTrial, electronic data capture

Personal web profile

David Büchel

Nicole Bruni, PhD

Affiliation: Department of Clinical Research
Function: Data Scientist
Contact: Please use the Department of Clinical Research contact form
You can contact me with questions on: Preparation, wrangling and merging of data, automated reports, centralized monitoring

Personal web profile

Nicole Bruni

Dr. Sarah N. Musy

Affiliation: Institute of Nursing Science
Function: Postdoc
You can contact me with questions on: Developing protocols/procedures/infrastructures for data management-related issues for INS, data management-related questions for individual research projects

Personal web profile

Sarah N. Musy

Dr. Olga Serbaeva Saraogi

Affiliation: Department of Ancient Civilizations
Function: Technical Lead D-Scribes and EGRAPSA projects of Prof. Dr. Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello
You can contact me with questions on: RDF, SQL, Non-latin scripts, Digital Palaeography, Digital editions, LaTeX, Text analysis tools, etc.

Personal web profile

Olga Serbaeva Saraogi

Dr. rer. soc. Robert Schäfer

Affiliation: Department of Social Sciences
Function: Post-Doc Researcher, Lecturer
You can contact me with questions on: Qualitative methods, interviews, visual sociology, data protection, research ethics

Personal web profile




Robert Schäfer

Dr. Anthea J. Alberto

Affiliation: Research and Infrastructure Support (RISE)
Function: Research Navigator
You can contact me with questions on: DMPs, acquisition and storage of textual data, quantitative text analysis, data wrangling and cleaning, R and RStudio

Personal web profile

Anthea J. Alberto

Eric Decker, M.A.

Affiliation: Research and Infrastructure Support (RISE)
Function: Director of RISE
You can contact me with questions on: DMPs, building, processing and analysis of digital source collections, ArcGIS online user management

Personal web profile

Eric Decker

Dr. José Luis Losada Palenzuela

Affiliation: Research and Infrastructure Support (RISE)
Function: Research Navigator
You can contact me with questions on: quantitative literary analysis, digital editions, TEI, network analysis, literary studies, R and Rstudio, EXMARaLDA

Personal web profile

José Luis Losada Palenzuela

Dr. Maximilian Hindermann

Affiliation: Research and Infrastructure Support (RISE)
Function: Research Navigator
You can contact me with questions on: Automatic indexing, automatic text recognition (ATR), knowledge organization systems (KOS)

Personal web profile

Maximilian Hindermann

Sorin Marti, B.A.

Affiliation: Research and Infrastructure Support (RISE)
Function: Research Navigator
You can contact me with questions on: FAIR data presentation and storage, Data parsing and enrichment of metadata, markup and data formats (HTML, XML, JSON-LD)

Personal web profile

Sorin Marti

Anna Cristina Wildisen-Münch, M.A.

Affiliation: Stadtgeschichte Basel
Function: Research Associate
You can contact me with questions on: Data governance, clarifying image rights, literature management (Zotero), image management database (OMEKA)

Personal web profile

Anna Cristina Wildisen-Münch

Nico Görlich, BSc, B.A.

Affiliation: Stadtgeschichte Basel
Function: Research Associate
You can contact me with questions on: Geodata, GIS, maps, cartography, databases

Personal web profile

Nico Görlich

Dr. Michael Podvinec

Affiliation: Biozentrum
Function: Head, Research IT Technology Platform
You can contact me with questions on: Research data flows and workflows, large datasets, Data Management Plans, ELN Wikis, scientific data management

Personal web profile

Michael Podvinec

Dr. Oliver Biehlmaier

Affiliation: Biozentrum
Function: Head of the Imaging Core Facility of the Biozentrum
You can contact me with questions on: Imaging in life sciences, image data repository, microscopy, OMERO, imaging data workflows

Personal web profile

Oliver Biehlmaier

Christine Schweizer

Affiliation: Department of Chemistry, library
Function: Librarian
You can contact me with questions on: RDM in Chemistry, support services for RDM at the University of Basel

Personal web profile

Christine Schweizer

Dr. Daniel Berner

Affiliation: Department of Environmental Sciences
Function: Research Associate
You can contact me with questions on: All issues related to research data management within the Department of Environmental Sciences (DUW), such as data storage and archiving, data accessibility, repositories, etc.

Personal web profile

Daniel Berner

Oleksii Tkachuk

Affiliation: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Function: Research System IT Specialist
You can contact me with questions on: Research data management in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. I will support your individual research project in questions related to data storage, data sharing, data licensing, data archiving, data protection, data accessibility, data repositories and collaboration platforms.

Personal web profile

Oleksii Tkachuk

Dr. Eliane Garo

Affiliation: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Function: Research Associate
You can contact me with questions on: All requests for research data management within the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (DPhW). As the data steward of the DPhW, I will help you connect with the right people and support your individual research project related to data storage, sharing, licensing, archiving, data protection, as well as collaboration platforms

Personal web profile

Eliane Garo

Beat Glatz

Affiliation: Department of Physics
Function: IT Manager
You can contact me with questions on: All requests for data management within the Department of Physics: specifically data storage, archiving, and collaboration tools and platforms

Personal web profile

Beat Glatz

Nichole Wespe, PhD

Affiliation: Biozentrum
Function: Research Data Officer, NCCR AntiResist
You can contact me with questions on: Data management for the NCCR AntiResist, publishing life sciences data to open repositories and FAIR data requirements

Personal web profile

Nichole Wespe

Birgit Knöpfli, MSc

Affiliation: Human Resources and Organization, Labor Economics
Function: Research Associate and Administrative Assistant
You can contact me with questions on: Data management plans, legal aspects of data collection, processing and storage, accessibility of own research data, reproducibility of research as well as for connection with the respective contact persons where needed

Personal web profile

Birgit Knöpfli

Dr. Christian Rutzer

Affiliation: Center for International Economics and Business CIEB
Function: Deputy Director and Lead Scientist
You can contact me with questions on: Data management plans (e.g., for an SNF application); legal aspects of data collection, processing, and storage; accessibility of research data; reproducibility of research (e.g., Github)

Personal web profile

Christian Rutzer

Philippe Chresta, MSc, MAS

Affiliation: R(u)IT Faculty for PsychologyNeuroscience Userlab
Function: ICT System Engineer R(u)IT / Head of N-Lab
Contact: /
You can contact me with questions on: All requests for data management within the Department of Psychology: specifically data storage, archiving, encryption, storage in databases, and collaboration tools/platforms

Personal web profile

Philippe Chresta

Dr. Rodrigo Cerqueira Gonzalez Pena

Affiliation: Center for Data Analytics (CeDA)
Function: Data Analyst
You can contact me with questions on: GitHub/Gitlab, Zenodo, general questions on documenting reproducible code and making it available

Personal web profile

Rodrigo Pena

The Center for Philanthropy Studies is supported by the data stewards of the Faculty of Buisness and Economics.

Birgit Knöpfli, MSc

Affiliation: Faculty of Business and Economics
Function: Research Associate and Administrative Assistant
You can contact me with questions on: Data management plans, legal aspects of data collection, processing and storage, accessibility of own research data, reproducibility of research as well as for connection with the respective contact persons where needed

Personal web profile

Birgit Knöpfli

Dr. Christian Rutzer

Affiliation: Faculty of Business and Economics
Function: Deputy Director and Lead Scientist
You can contact me with questions on: Data management plans (e.g., for an SNF application); legal aspects of data collection, processing, and storage; accessibility of research data; reproducibility of research (e.g., Github)

Personal web profile

Christian Rutzer

Dr. Tenzin Wangmo

Affiliation: Institute for Biomedical Ethics
Function: Senior Researcher and PhD Program Coordinator
You can contact me with questions on: Research data management and open data repositories at the Institute for Biomedical Ethics

Personal web profile

Tenzin Wangmo

Tomas Kaqinari, M.A.

Affiliation: Institute for Educational Sciences
Function: PhD Coordinator
You can contact me with questions on: Multilevel data in the school context, incl. data from children, repositories for data from educational sciences, finding the right source or person for specific questions on research data management

Personal web profile

Tomas Kaqinari

Sorin Marti, B.A.

Affiliation: Institute for European Global Studies
Function: Research Associate Digital Humanities
You can contact me with questions on: FAIR data presentation and storage, Data parsing and enrichment of metadata, markup and data formats (HTML, XML, JSON-LD)

Personal web profile

Sorin Marti