Love Data Week 2023

From 13 to 17 February 2023, the international Love Data Week will take place under the motto "Data: Agent of Change".
Love Data Week (LDW) is an annual international campaign celebrating the love of data around the world with numerous events covering a wide variety of aspects of Research Data Management (RDM). The theme for this year's Love Data Week, taking place February 13-17, 2023, is "Data: Agent of Change."
A number of RDM support services in Switzerland have joined forces to offer information sessions on various aspects of RDM during LDW. You can find an overview of the events taking place in Switzerland here: The majority of the events take place online and are open to all interested persons.
The University of Basel is participating in Love Data Week with a webinar on data organisation, which will take place on 14 February at 11.30 am.
On Twitter, the following hashtags will be used for Love data week: #LoveData23, #FDMPower, #FDM_LDW and #LoveData2023
On you can find an overview of LDW activities in the German-speaking countries.