Introduction to Research Data Management
The video tutorial provides an introduction to research data management and covers the following topics:
- What are research data?
- What is research data management?
- What is a data management plan (DMP)?
- What are the FAIR principles?
Speaker: Luana Lichtblau, University Library Basel, Open Science; with slides and input from Silke Bellanger, Christina Besmer and Iris Lindenmann
Release year: 2024
Length of video: 8:16 minutes
Coffee Lectures on infrastructures and tools for research data management
As part of the Data Stewardship Program, the Research Data Management Network organised a series of Coffee Lectures in 2022. The Coffee Lectures last 15 minutes and give an insight into various infrastructures and tools for research data management. Here you can watch the recordings.
As part of the Coffee Lecture series of the University of Basel on infrastructure and tools for research data management, on 3 March 2022 Rita Gautschy (DaSCH) gave us an insight into the services and infrastructure of the Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities (DaSCH).
As part of the Coffee Lecture series of the University of Basel on infrastructure and tools for research data management, on 17 March 2022 Isabelle Wienand presented the Ethics Committee of the University of Basel and its self-assessment tool.
To watch the recording, a VPN connection or a unibas login is required.
As part of the Coffee Lecture series of the University of Basel on infrastructure and tools for research data management, on 31 March 2022 Maximilian Hindermann gave an introduction to the Basic Register of Thesauri, Ontologies and Classifications (BARTOC) and showed how this tool can be used to describe datasets in a standardised way.
To watch the recording, a VPN connection or a unibas login is required.
As part of the Coffee Lecture series of the University of Basel on infrastructure and tools for research data management, on 21 April 2022 Michael Podvinec showed how to use the Biozentrum-wiki as an Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN).
As part of the Coffee Lectures series of the University of Basel on infrastructure and tools for research data management, on 5 May 2022 Silke Bellanger gave an introduction to the platform Open Science Framework. Open Science Framework is a free and open source project management tool for researchers.
As part of the Coffee Lectures series of the University of Basel on infrastructure and tools for research data management, on 2 June 2022 Sofia Georgakopoulou presented LabKey and showed how this open source software can be used for data management in the life sciences.
As part of the Coffee Lectures series of the University of Basel on infrastructure and tools for research data management, on 29 September 2022 Iris Lindenmann gave an introduction to re3data (Registry of Research Data Repositories) and showed how re3data can be used to find a suitable repository for publishing research data.
To watch the recording, a VPN connection or a unibas login is required.
As part of the Coffee Lecture series of the University of Basel on infrastructure and tools for research data management, on 13 October, Maximilian Hindermann gave an introduction to Git. Git is a free and open source software for version control.
As part of the Coffee Lectures series of the University of Basel on infrastructure and tools for research data management, on 27 October 2022 Thierry Sengstag presented sciCORE. sciCORE is the competence center for scientific IT at the University of Basel. It provides the infrastructure (IT systems, software and expert knowledge) for high-performance computing, storage and processing of scientific data.
To watch the recording, a VPN connection or a unibas login is required.
As part of the Coffee Lecture series of the University of Basel on infrastructure and tools for research data management, on 10 November, Maximilian Hindermann gave an introduction to Tropy. Tropy is a free tool for managing digital collections. It is particularly suitable for organising self-photographed archival documents and supports a variety of metadata standards.
As part of the Coffee Lecture series of the University of Basel on infrastructure and tools for research data management, on 24 November Martin Reisacher gave an introduction to OpenRefine and showed how this tool can be used to clean up and enrich research data.
As part of the Coffee Lecture series of the University of Basel on infrastructure and tools for research data management, on 8 December Elena Spadini gave an introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). The TEI Consortium provides a set of guidelines for encoding machine-readable texts, which are widely used in the Humanities. TEI is used in a variety of research contexts, such as editions of literary and historical texts, linguistic resources, manuscripts and prints description.