University Library, Vortragssaal (1st floor)
University Ethics Committee; University Library
Follow-up research ethics, discussion of case studies: natural sciences and medicine (part 2) - CANCELLED
Following the research ethics course, an additional session will be devoted to discussing together case studies. The session will be divided into two parts:
- Part 1, 13.30-15.00: Social sciences and humanities
- Part 2, 15.15-16.45: Natural sciences and medicine (excluding the Human Research Act)
The aim is to apply research ethics principles and guidelines in a specific research setting as well as to reflect upon and promote responsible research.
The workshop is aimed at people who have participated in Isabelle Wienand's research ethics course in January and February 2023 or have other prior knowledge on research ethics.
Please contact us for more information on course registration.
Trainer: Isabelle Wienand, Manager University Ethics Committee (UEK), University of Basel
Workshop language: English
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