
Data Stewardship Programme: Funding by swissuniversities

We are pleased to inform you that swissuniversities has approved the submission of the University of Basel on Action Line B5.2: Actions plans on data stewardship and will support the Data Stewardship Programme of the university with…

Open Research Data - NCCR Network Ventures

Open Research Data - NCCR Network Ventures is a series of three joint NCCR meetings on open science and open research data, to be held in Zurich, Lausanne, and Basel, featuring presentations and practical workshops by experts and…

New content on the website of the data protection officer

We are pleased to inform you about the new and very helpful content on the website of the data protection office. The website now contains the most important information on all aspects of data protection for researchers, employees, and…

Open Science Mailing List

Subscribe* to our open science mailing list! The list will provide you with the latest information and events on research data management, open access and other topics related to open science. As a subscriber, you can also use the list to…
Love Data Week 2023 Switzerland

Love Data Week 2023

From 13 to 17 February 2023, the international Love Data Week will take place under the motto "Data: Agent of Change".

NIH requires Data Management and Sharing plans

Since January 2023, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) requires Data Management and Sharing plans (DMS) for all grants. For more Details, please check the NIH webpage:…

Fall semester 2022: New series with coffee lectures

As part of the Data Stewardship Programme, the Research Data Management Network of the University of Basel is organising a second coffee lecture series on infrastructures and tools for research data management.