Documents of the RDM Network
On this page you will find flyers, handouts and other training materials that have emerged from the activities of the RDM Network and that provide you with compact information on research data management. The RDM Network also maintains a community on Zenodo with a collection of documents, handouts and workshop materials related to research data management that are developed by the members of the network.
Please note that the information in the documents is not legally binding. They are intended to assist you.
Policy on research data management
RDM Cheat Sheets
Management of Digital Research Data at the End of a Project
RDM network at Basel
DMP Templates
Storage and data exchange @unibas
Personal data
- Recommendations for dealing with personal data in research projects
- Fact Sheet Datenschutz - gesetzliche Grundlagen
- Fact Sheet Datenschutz - Definitionen und Beispiele
- Fact Sheet on Informed Consent
- Fact Sheet on Anonymous Data Collection
- Fact Sheet on Consent in Research Projects Involving Children
- Empfehlungen und hilfreiche Links zum Umgang mit sensiblen (qualitativen) Daten
- Template for Information Sheet and Consent Form (provided by the University Ethics Committee)
Use cases on working with personal data in qualitative research (in German)
- Use Case Bearbeitung durch Dritte (PDF, 548.04 KB)
- Use Case Einwilligung der Untersuchungsperson (PDF, 553.23 KB)
- Use Case Informationssicherheit (PDF, 556.29 KB)
- Use Case Anonymisierung bei kleinen Untersuchungsgruppen (PDF, 557.75 KB)
- Use Case Vorträge und Lehre (PDF, 551.94 KB)
- Use Case Nachnutzung von Personendaten (PDF, 555.86 KB)
- Use Case Öffentliche Personen (PDF, 549.53 KB)
- Use Case Repositorien nutzen für sensible Daten (PDF, 565.76 KB)
- Use Case SNF, Open Research Data Vorgaben (PDF, 570.01 KB)
- Use Case Speicherdauer (PDF, 550.58 KB)